Hazardous Area Inspections
A hazardous area site where electrical equipment is installed is required to comply with all of the appropriate and applicable Australian standards, acts, and regulations, including AS/NZS 60079.14.
At E-x Solutions our hazardous area inspections are performed to ensure that all of the Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas (EEHA) used on site is compliant with the requirements of the AS/NZS 60079 series.
In relation to AS/NZS 60079 standards the hazardous area in question shall be subject to either:
Hazardous Area Initial inspection - EEHA initial inspection shall be performed for all new installations prior to the site being connected to the grid. AS/NZS 60079.17 states, “Before a new installation of plant or equipment is brought into service, it shall be given an initial inspection at a detailed grade, and all non-compliances recorded”.
Hazardous Area Periodic Inspection – Periodic inspections are an important maintenance activity and should be carried out as part of an inspection regime and apply to existing installations. The purpose of the periodic inspection is to monitor the effects of deterioration or change. The intervals between periodic inspections should not exceed three years.
As qualified EEHA inspectors we are able to perform both initial and periodic EEHA inspections.
Our hazardous area inspection and hazardous area auditing services will ensure that your equipment and installations are compliant with all the applicable standards, acts and regulations.